Since childhood living in the city of Mumbai I've always been hearing from my parents, teachers, neighbours and elder sister always saying, "You young kids need to be in some control!" "You are crossing limits" ... My elder sister used to say, "When I was of your age, we couldn't even do ABC and you guys dont even've to ask for doing stuff like XYZ"... Me and my friends always thought whats wrong if we do stuff that we do? Its ok...Big deal.. We know what we are doin.. We are not crossing any limits.. Mother needs a break... and always went around the neighbourhood as the GENERATION NEXT guys with a YO attitude and be kewl n chilled about life. My father used to tell me when I was in 6th grade, " You guys are lucky to wear a watch at this age... I got a watch only after I passed my 10th Grade" or some other times they compare " We used to go to school walking and you find it difficult to go even by a bus!! " or " We used to go to school wearing no footwear and you guys have a pair of shoe for each day!! " ... We said So What? The situation demands those needs. It used to feel ' Hey probably we are the ones who are changing the face of Modern India... Thinking will be so similar between us and our children.. and stuff like that.. or there would be no GENERATION GAP(the important word) between us and our children"...... Suddenly we graduating this month and then all my friends hanging out together started speaking about the younger generation, " Hey these young kids in school nowdays.. Have no respect for their teachers (apparently some of my friends teach in schools on part time basis)... even we used to tease our teachers but in limits!! " or " These guys are getting out of control! Some discipline needs to be inculcated in them !! " .. while the other friend of mine said, " Even today I've to take permission from my parents to dine with my friends or to go with girls to waterparks.. But my younger brother, he and his friends (mentioning BOYS and GIRLS specifically) go every sunday to the elite restaurants of Mumbai for dining or with GIRLS (making it a big deal) to water parks !!".... Suddenly things were striking me in that quite corner of mine where I was sittin... Maybe my generation is repeating the same things as my earlier generation did... for that matter even Kapil Dev on TV once said " My children object straight on my face if they disagree with me but I didnt have the guts to do that to my parents"... Maybe the cycle of this GENERATION GAP is never ending... My grandpa went to school without chappals.. my dad went on cycle.. I went in a bus.. maybe my kids would go on bikes.. and theirs in cars .. and theirs maybe in planes..... Somethings never change.. every genertation feels we are the COOLEST generation who have limits and have fun simlutaneously..... The only way to reduce the gaps is by understanding that the society is opening up little by little every generation and then there's nothing wrong in that.. Major disputes between generation occur only on few subjects and that would be Standard of living and Way of life. If one understands that the culture of youngest generations is so similar all around the world and you know sometimes accepting it in a whole hearted way can really solve problems or maybe being a part of it to make a big entire GENERATION WITH NO GAP or lets say GENERATION FULL!!
Seeking Possibility in Every Opportunity
Good article Om, nice ideas. Keep writing. You've got a regular visitor now!
very profound, and i find myself agreeing with you quite easily..
keep writing :)
P.S. since they're really just your thoughts and opinions, feedbacks shouldn't really matter, no?
Nice start Pal !
Well written!..but have the potential to still extend it !..
On d personal basis ( ONLY! )... I just felt u ended it a little abruptly ..
(...Hey i may be wrong again :D ! )
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